Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Sam Meas: The Case for Real Healthcare Reform

by Sam Meas

There is a need for healthcare reform in the United States today. I believe that all U.S. citizens and legal residents should have access to competitive, comprehensive, and affordable medical care. However, the process by which we achieve that goal must be deliberate and thoughtful. Congress is rushing very quickly to pass a bill that is very confusing, for a healthcare plan that is very, very expensive.

In fact, a current healthcare plan, all 1990 page and hundreds of pages of amendments, is available from the United States Government Printing Office. At best, it is merely confusing; at worst, it will eventually lead us to socialized medicine. It gives tremendous power to the government via the many committees it sets up. And it will result in yet another mammoth bureaucracy.

One of provisions in this plan allows for a mandatory public option. This public option will eventually drive private insurance out of business. No private business can compete with the government’s unlimited resources. Ultimately, the only healthcare provider left standing will be the public option, a massive government agency. No enterprise run and managed by any government agency is ever efficient or profitable. Just look at Medicare and Medicaid -- 30% of the cost of these programs is attributable to abuse, fraud, and inefficiency. America cannot afford yet another government boondoggle!

To date, neither the President nor Congress has disclosed the true cost of the program or how it will be paid for. The president has claimed in town hall meetings that the program would likely cost $100B annually; of which $70B will be paid for by improving Medicare and Medicaid and getting rid of Medicare part B. But what about the remaining $30B? Another tax increase for working families? Americans are being taxed enough!

Our current healthcare system, although it is expensive, is the best in the world. In the U.S., everyone is given access to health care whether or not they have the ability to pay for it. Here is my proposal to cover the 10 million Americans (U.S. citizens and legal residents) who are not insured:

1) Enact serious tort reform – high-liability insurance premiums make health care expensive

2) Train more doctors and nurses

3) Set maximum comprehensive and preventative coverage, and require all insurance companies to offer it

4) Give tax credits or advance tax credits to be used to purchase private insurance
Allow competition in healthcare insurance across state lines

5) Let consumers select healthcare options based on their needs

6) Reform Medicare/Medicaid/CHIP by giving vouchers to people so that they can purchase private insurance of their choice

My plan to offer healthcare coverage to the 10 million uninsured will cost less than $100B a year, and the government will have no part in running our healthcare system. Best of all, Americans will continue to enjoy the best healthcare system in the world.

Sam Meas is a Republican candidate running for U.S. Congress in Mass 5th Congressional District. He is a new contributor to The Asian-American GOP Network.


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